Wildlife Feature | Snowy Egrets

Always on an adventure throughout California, I’m fortunate to come across so much beautiful wildlife - sometimes in the strangest little pockets of preservation.

Normally I only see a few snowy egrets scattered around, but just the other day there were about 6 or 7 all hanging around a drainpipe from one reservoir to the ocean where tiny fish were feeding of the drain as the egrets fed on them! Fun fact: A collection of egrets is defined by many nouns, including a "herony", "congregation", "skewer", "RSVP", and "wedge" of egrets.

Check out my video below to observe snowy egrets on the hunt while interacting with their environment.


The snowy egret is a small white heron native to North, Central and South America. They can be found in wetlands like marshes, riverbanks, lakesides, pools, salt marshes and estuaries - where they’ll feed on fish, crustaceans, insects, tiny reptiles, snails, frogs, worms and crayfish.

They sometimes stalk their prey in shallow water, often chasing after it or shuffling their feet, flashing prey into view by swaying their heads, flicking their wings or as seen in this video - vibrating their bills in the water creating a ripple to attract fish. Their unique s-shaped neck only bends vertically, but not side to side.

The beautiful plumage of egrets was once hunted to decorate women’s hats - which brought the population down to extremely low levels. Now, they’re protected in the US by law under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1918 and are now thriving.

Scroll down to see some of my favorite select snowy egret shots from my adventures around California.

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PHOTOS & VIDEO © 2020 Brandon Slavinski

Wildlife Feature | Pacific Gopher Snake

While trekking through the hills of Playa Del Rey, California - my fiance and I came across this beautiful Pacific Gopher Snake in our path. While at first we were both a little startled at first - there was no sign of the snake feeling intimidated. It continued to take rest underneath a sprouted set of leaves and we had an awesome moment together.

There’s truly something special about connecting eye to eye with wildlife…even if it can’t see me all that well (snakes have ridiculously horrible eyesight), but it certainly was smelling my presence. Enjoy the video below by taking a quick glimpse into the life of a Pacific Gopher Snake.

Gopher Snake Facts:

Pacific Gopher Snake 4
  • Pacific gopher snakes are nonvenomous, making them harmless to humans.

  • They are called gopher snakes because they primarily eat gophers, as well as other rodents.

  • Due to their similar coloration and patterns, they are often mistaken for rattlesnakes.

  • When threatened, they may hiss and vibrate their tails in a similar manner to rattlesnakes.

  • They typically reside in dens and burrows at elevations below 2000 feet.

  • The snake's natural predators include red-tailed hawks, coyotes, and foxes.

  • In the wild, they can live up to 15 years, while in captivity, they can reach up to 33 years.

  • Pacific gopher snakes can grow to a length of 4-9 feet.

  • During mating, male gopher snakes may bite females on the back of the neck.

  • Pregnant females lay between 2 and 8 eggs in late June or early July and do not incubate them.

Pacific Gopher Snake 2
Pacific Gopher Snake 1
Pacific Gopher Snake 3

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All images subject to copyright ©2020 Brandon Slavinski